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Jessie Pendant Light - White with Gold Hardware


Colour: White

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Elevate your decor with the Jessie Pendant Light, featuring a linen shade and elegant detailing. Ideal for modern, farmhouse, and industrial styles - the minimalist design complements any interior.


Check your delivery time and cost.

  • Includes: One pendant light complete with ceiling canopy and screw set. 
  • Additional extension rods to increase the height of the pendant are sold separately.
  • Also available in a black hardware option.
  • Suitable for indoor domestic or commercial applications.
  • The Jessie pendant is not suitable for sloped ceilings or slanted roofs due to the fixed rods.
  • All sizes and weights are approximate.
  • Please inspect all lighting fixtures for any cosmetic imperfections before installing and disposing of the packaging. Ivory & Deene is not responsible for physical damage after the fixture is installed.
  • Made to SAA Standards.

This elegant and understated pendant light features a simple linen shade with smart detailing. Its minimalist design seamlessly complements a variety of decor styles, including modern, farmhouse, and industrial.

Style Industrial / Farmhouse / Scandinavian / Modern
Colour French White Shade with Gold Hardware
Overall Pendant Height 100cm (Length adjustable by 25cm or 50cm)
Shade Size Top Diameter: 23cm
Bottom Diameter: 42cm
Height: 30cm
Ceiling Canopy 12cmx2.5cm
Globe Details 3x E14 Edison Screw (not included)
Material Metal Hardware and Linen Shade
Wattage 40W
IP Rating  IP20
Installation To be installed by a qualified electrician 
Product Weight 2kg
Packaged Weight 3.5kg
Keep your linen pendant shade pristine by regularly using a lint roller or duster to remove dust. For spot cleaning, use a damp cloth with a gentle detergent, avoiding harsh chemicals. Ensure the shade stays in a dry area and rotate it periodically to prevent fading from sunlight.

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

Live shipping rates are calculated at checkout. We support a variety of couriers providing convenient and competitive shipping options.

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Same Day Dispatch

Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

Flexible payment

Pay upfront or in 4 equal monthly instalments with Afterpay.

Find the perfect fit

Adjust the slider options to discover the ideal number of pendant lights to complement your space.

Please note: For a better experience, rotate your devices orientation to landscape

Bench width - 350cm
Bench inset - 50cm
Jessie Pendant Light - White with Gold Hardware - pendant light
Jessie Pendant Light - White with Gold Hardware - pendant light
Jessie Pendant Light - White with Gold Hardware - pendant light

5.0 Rating

13 reviews


15 September 2024

Jessie Pendant Light - White with Black

Beautiful light shade.. it will look perfect when it goes up over my island in my new home scheduled for completion in 2.5 months.

Fran M - Sydney, AU

9 April 2024

Jessie Pendants

These pendants are absolutely stunning. I cannot wait to see them hung in my new kitchen. The customer service for ivory and deene is the best I’ve experienced in retail. I’m a long time customer and will definitely be buying more lights from here for my new home. So affordable and great quality!

Emma A - Sydney, AU

19 March 2024

Jessie Pendants

I waited 3 months for these pendants to come back into stock and it was well worth it, they are stunning.

Lee-Anne N - Brisbane, AU

11 December 2023


Quick delivery, the lights were exactly what I expected and looked great when hung. Very pleased!!

Sandra T - Sydney, AU

9 October 2023

Love them!

Ordered 3 of these immediately after they were restocked. Shipping was fast and they look exactly as pictured and are really great quality. Cannot wait to get them installed in our new kitchen! Customer service was also excellent. I’ll definitely be purchasing more from ivory and deene.

Jasmine - Perth, AU

7 September 2023

Happy Client, even happier designer! :-)

Beautiful products, easy transaction and great customer service. Can't wait to share photos of our Torquay project once it's completed.

Jessica F - Melbourne, AU

6 June 2023

So Easy!!

Such an easy process from ordering online to delivery all within 1 week!!! Will certainly be ordering more homewares from Ivory and Deene

Liz S - Sydney, AU

31 May 2023

Stunning Jessie Pendant

Bought the Jessie Pendant in Black, looks stunning, extremely happy with quality and price😃will definitely be purchasing more from Ivory & Deene❤️

LORETTA W - Melbourne, AU