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  3. Siena Rattan Cane Wicker Pendant Light

Siena Rattan Cane Wicker Pendant Light - Whitewash


Colour: Whitewash

Size: 35cm

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Add a contemporary Hamptons look to your kitchen, bedroom, dining or living area with our beautiful large Siena rattan pendant light. It looks great on or off and works well in any domestic or commercial space. 

Can be used for bohemian style homes, coastal, mid-century modern, Scandinavian, contemporary, rustic or farmhouse. Imagine for beach houses, vacation rentals, airbnb homes, tropical retreats, entertainment clubs, themed-hotels, resorts and beach-side shacks. The options are endless.

Brand Ivory & Deene
Style Siena
Colour Whitewash
Size 35cm or 45cm height
Diameter 35cm or 45cm
Ceiling Canopy 10cm width x 2cm height
Globe Type E26/E27 Edison Screw
Cord Length 120cm
Maximum Cord Length 120cm
Material Metal and Rattan
Number of Globes 1

- This listing is for 1 single pendant light
- Globe is not included
- Suitable for indoor domestic or commercial applications
- 35 cm : Approximate weight of 1.9 kg
- 45 cm : Approximate weight of 2.9 kg
- Cord length is adjustable
- Please inspect all lighting fixtures for any cosmetic imperfections before installing and disposing of the products packaging. Ivory & Deene is not responsible for physical damage after the fixture is installed.

- SAA Approved

    Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

    Live shipping rates are calculated at checkout. We support a variety of couriers providing convenient and competitive shipping options.

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    Same Day Dispatch

    Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

    Flexible payment

    Pay upfront or in 4 equal monthly instalments with Afterpay.

    Find the perfect fit

    Adjust the slider options to discover the ideal number of pendant lights to complement your space.

    Please note: For a better experience, rotate your devices orientation to landscape

    Bench width - 350cm
    Bench inset - 50cm
    Siena Rattan Cane Wicker Pendant Light - Whitewash - pendant light
    Siena Rattan Cane Wicker Pendant Light - Whitewash - pendant light
    Siena Rattan Cane Wicker Pendant Light - Whitewash - pendant light

    5.0 Rating

    38 reviews


    8 August 2024

    Love it

    It’s an understated piece

    Kay L

    8 August 2024

    Love it in my bedrooms

    Has modernised my rooms in a subtle way , love it and fabulous service

    Kay L

    22 July 2024

    Good customer service

    Inquiry and sales team were very good at their jobs, explanations and helping out with quote. Will definitely come back for future projects.

    Sel. S

    3 March 2024

    Pendant lights

    Pendants arrived when they said and well packaged. The quality of great as well. We will definitely shop here again.

    Dianne B

    28 December 2023

    Natural Rattan cane pendant light siena

    So beautiful. Quality Size and design perfect 👌 and as pictured. Looking forward to purchasing more lights for our renovation.


    15 October 2023

    Love them

    Beautiful, just what I was after and just like the picture

    Teagan C

    10 October 2023

    Elegant coastal pendants

    Arrived promptly, faster than suggested. Well packaged and in good condition. The pendants were as expected from the photos on the website. Colours were consistent with the images and consistent among the individual pendants. All look lovely 😊.

    Donna M

    29 September 2023

    Look beautiful

    Look beautiful

    Sarah S