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Zara Chandelier - Distressed Cream

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Add vintage charm with the Zara Cream Chandelier. This French Provincial-inspired piece features a distressed cream finish and sparkling crystals, perfect for creating a cosy, elegant ambiance in any room.


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  • Includes: One chandelier complete with adjustable chain, ceiling canopy and screw set.
  • Suitable for indoor domestic or commercial applications.
  • All sizes and weights are approximate.
  • Please inspect all lighting fixtures for any cosmetic imperfections before installing and disposing of the packaging. Ivory & Deene is not responsible for physical damage after the fixture is installed.
  • Made to SAA Standards

The Zara Cream Chandelier brings timeless elegance and sophistication to any space. Inspired by French Provincial design, this chandelier features a distressed cream finish and sparkling crystal accents that beautifully reflect light, creating a warm, inviting glow. Perfect for bedrooms, dining rooms, or entryways, this luxurious chandelier adds a touch of vintage charm and romantic ambiance, effortlessly elevating your decor. Its intricate design and high-quality craftsmanship make it a statement piece that blends classic style with modern glamour, ideal for adding a sense of opulence to your home while complementing a range of interior styles.

Style French Provincial / Shabby Chic
Colour Distressed Cream
Size Height: 40cm
Diameter: 28cm 
Ceiling Canopy Height: 4.5cm
Diameter: 10cm
Globe Details 1x E26/E27 Edison Screw (not included)
Adjustable Chain Length 40cm
Material Metal
Crystals Acrylic
IP Rating IP20
Wattage 60W
Installation To be installed by a qualified electrician
Product Weight 1.1kg
Packaged Weight 1.7kg
We recommend occasional dusting to keep your chandelier looking its best. Avoid harsh chemicals and ensure your light fittings remain dry at all times.

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

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Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

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4.8 Rating

9 reviews


Review photo 1
Review photo 2
Review photo 3


16 July 2024

Zara Chandelier - such beauty

This light is absolutely beautiful and perfect for lower ceilings and smaller rooms. It’s petite and so very pretty. It has lifted my master bedroom from dull to perfection!

Kylie A - Canberra, AU

31 August 2023

Zara Chandelier

So pretty. love this light. Paris was really lovely and assisted me with my order.

Leanne D - Sydney, AU

12 August 2023

Zara chandelier

Absolutely stunning Had it installed in a bedroom So happy. Just the look I was hoping for

Isabella T - Melbourne, AU

9 August 2023

A touch of class

I can’t wait for our renovation to proceed so that I can have this gorgeous light fitting installed. It’s soooo glam.

Jennifer B - Canberra, AU

20 September 2021

Zara Chandelier - Distressed Cream

Zara Chandelier - Distressed Cream

Tehmina M - Melbourne, AU

12 July 2021

So beautiful

Absolutely love my new purchase it arrived a few days after ordering cant wait to put it up


8 July 2021


lovely chandelier, really pleased with quality, fast service and excellent packaging. :) 10/10 .


18 March 2021

I was most happy with

I was most happy with my purchase and the service. I will be moving into a new house so haven’t seen it up yet but I have high expectations for the look
