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  3. Estelle Beaded Dome Pendant Light

Estelle Beaded Dome Pendant Light - Gold/White Large ON SALE


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Colour: Gold/White

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This particular listing of Large Gold Estelles are being sold at a discounted price due to minor imperfections. Please see the descriptions and photos for reference before purchasing.


Check your delivery time and cost.

  • Includes: One pendant light complete with adjustable chain, ceiling canopy and screw set. 
  • Also available in a black frame with two size options.
  • Suitable for indoor domestic or commercial applications.
  • All sizes and weights are approximate.
  • Please inspect all lighting fixtures for any cosmetic imperfections before installing and disposing of the packaging. Ivory & Deene is not responsible for physical damage after the fixture is installed.
  • SAA approved.

The Estelle pendant light can adapt to any style - perfect for bohemian, coastal, mid-century modern, Scandinavian, contemporary, rustic or farmhouse atmospheres. Picture it as the centrepiece in your beach house, vacation rental, Airbnb, tropical retreat, entertainment club, themed hotel, resort, or beach shack. The possibilities are endless!

Please Note: This batch of Large Gold Estelle Pendants may exhibit minor imperfections, such as smudged or peeling paint. As we strive to improve future designs, we are offering these pendants at a reduced price. Please review the last few photos in the listing to see examples of these potential imperfections. Note that these items are sold as-is and are not eligible for returns. It's also important to be aware that this shipment comes from a different supplier than the full-priced Estelles, so variations between the batches can be expected.

Style Classic / Modern / Organic 
Colour White Beads / Gold Frame
Shade Size approx 75cm diameter
Shade Height approx 35cm
Ceiling Canopy 10cm width x 2cm height
Globe Details 1x E26/E27 Edison Screw (not included)
Maximum Cord/Chain Length 120cm
Material Painted Metal and Wood
Wattage 60W
IP Rating IP20
Installation To be installed by a qualified electrician 
Product Weight 4.7kg
Packaged Weight 7kg
    This pendant is designed for easy maintenance. Simply use a soft, dry cloth or feather duster to gently remove dust. Keep the fixture dry. If using a damp cloth, ensure the light is off and use minimal water to prevent damage.

    Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

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