Privacy & Confidentiality

Your Information

We need to know some things about you. There are laws to make sure your information is kept private. These laws say:

  • how we can collect information
  • how we store information
  • who can see your information
  • what we do with your information

This brochure explains how we follow those laws, respect your privacy, and what you can do to make sure your privacy is respected.

Asking about you

Your personal information belongs to you.

We need your permission to collect information about you. And to share your information. You don't have to give permission. Your information helps us provide good and safe services.

We only ask for information we need. We will tell you why we need it. That includes photos and videos too. If you don't understand why we need information, it's OK to ask us.

Keeping it safe

We will protect your information and only use it for the right reasons, and only show the right people.

The people who work with you need to see your information. It helps them deliver better services.

We will only share your information if:

  • you give permission to share it, or
  • we are very worried about your safety, or
  • if the law requires us to share it.

You can see your information too. Just ask us.

If we didn't respect your privacy...

Write to us:

23/34 Innocent St,
Kings Meadows, 7249

Phone us:
03 6776 1674

You can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

( GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
phone: 1300 363 992
TTY: 133 677
Speak and Listen: 1300 555 727

Interpreters can be arranged on 131 450.

Advocates can help you complain

The National Disability Advocacy Program can help you work with an advocate.

Email them at: (

Or write to:
Disability, Employment and Carers Group
Department of Social Services
GPO Box 9820
Canberra ACT 2601

Or search "disability advocate" online.