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  3. Shredded Foam Premium Bean Bag Filling

Shredded Foam Premium Bean Bag Filling


Size: 80 Litres (2kg)

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Certified 100% Pre-consumer Recycled Material. Introducing the ultimate, superior, sustainable filling alternative.


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Crushed (shredded) foam is suitable for applications such as packaging or stuffing soft toys, bean bag inserts, and scatter cushions. It can be mixed with polystyrene beads in beanbags to reduce squeaking sounds and to add bounce and improved feel to the polystyrene beads. Environmentally friendly recycled from premium furniture manufacturing cut offs (assorted colours) which is better fill for bean bag chairs and will last for many years.

Foam is a man made product and when brand new may have a slight smell to it; this is due to a release of chemicals used in its manufacture. This release into the air is a process known technically as off-gassing. The smell is normal and there is nothing wrong with the foam. Some people are more sensitive than others and hence for them it may last longer. The smell will diminish over time.

Due to the nature of the foam being vacuum packed, once it’s been opened and expanded it is not able to be returned.

Brand Ivory & Deene
Style Crushed Foam
Colour Assorted Lighter Colours
Size 80 Litres (2kg) or 120 Litres (3kg) Bag

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

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4.77 Rating

86 reviews


10 February 2025

Best filling money can buy!!!

After a disaster with a bag of beans with my children I decided to purchase this filling and it’s absolutely amazing! Will be purchasing more in the future

Ashleigh B - Sydney, AU

31 January 2025

Very comfortable

I have always used beans to fill bean bags before but am now converted to crushed foam! I used a 50/50 mix of beans and foam and the bean bag is so comfortable.

Trevor - Denver, US

10 January 2025


Perfect product instead of using messy beans

Kaine H - Denver, US

9 January 2025

oh my

Came in the smallest box but expanded into the biggest amount my puppy loved. Is very soft and comfy for what we used it for.

Tracey H - Denver, US

24 December 2024


Use the foam/bean option in a Lounger chair and it works well. The foam adds body and helps hold the shape of the chair.

Anne C - Ashburn, US

25 November 2024

Love it makes a big

Love it makes a big difference using foam I will never use anything nothing else

Leanne O

25 November 2024

Foam filler the best so

Foam filler the best so much more comfortable

Leanne O

4 November 2024

The chair is well constructed.

The chair is well constructed. It would be good customer service to say how much foam is needed fill one. I ordered twice the amount another customer said and was only 1/3 of the way… The chairs could not be used until I took them to clark rubber and … spent an hour there with help from staff to fill it. The had no more foam scraps so… here I am with two chairs that are not firm enough to sit up in.

Tahnee M