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Large Metal Wall Clock - Oxford

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Enjoy the elegance of our new Oxford clock that easily doubles as a stunning decor to enhance any living space. It features floating invisible numbers on double metal frame and stands out with its striking distressed gold and black finish.


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Enjoy the elegance of our new Oxford clock that easily doubles as a stunning decor to enhance any living space. It features floating invisible numbers on double metal frame and stands out with its striking distressed gold and black finish. The 60cm size makes it impossible to miss its elegance. 

Brand Ivory & Deene
Style Oxford
Colour Distressed Gold/Black
Movement Step (Ticking)
Size 60cm Diameter
Mechanism Battery  1 x AA
Type Wall

- Battery is not included
- Suitable for domestic or commercial applications                    - Approximate weight of 2.0 kg

    Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

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    5.0 Rating

    4 reviews


    17 July 2023

    Gorgeous gold clock

    On a whim I ordered this clock not knowing how it would look in my new house. It’s perfect. Better than I had anticipated. Everything was straight forward when ordering and delivery was super quick. Thx team at Ivory & Deene Ottavia

    Ottavia D - Melbourne, AU

    30 July 2022


    Love this clock really adds a touch of class without being too over the top. Second item I have bought from Ivory and Deene and couldnt be happier. The quality of their products is excellent as well as very reasonable prices. Thank you Ivory and Deene!

    Caroline V - Sydney, AU

    16 December 2021

    Oxford Clock

    This clock is so beautiful, it compliments our home perfectly. Fast delivery and easy website to navigate. I am so happy with this company and have already made a second purchase!

    Graziella L - Perth, AU

    3 September 2021

    Oxford Clock

    Absolutely Stunning Clock!!!

    Suzy Z - Melbourne, AU