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  3. Shaggy Fur Rainbow Tie Dye Bean Bag

Shaggy Fur Rainbow Tie Dye Bean Bag - Unicorn


Size: Large - 112cm

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Sprinkle magic into your home with our Shaggy Rainbow Unicorn Bean Bag! With luxuriously soft faux fur and vibrant rainbow hue, this whimsical seat transforms any room into a dreamy unicorn haven.


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    • Includes: One bean bag cover and durable inner liner.
    • Available in two sizes. 
    • Complete your Shaggy Rainbow Unicorn style and pair the Bean Bag with the matching blanket and pillow for a magical set—each item sold separately.
    • With the help of the removable cover, and inner liner, this bean bag makes maintenance a breeze - just pop the cover in the washing machine for easy cleaning!
    • When making your purchase, consider adding our sensory foam filling for enhanced comfort, available on this page. Please note, the default option is for the bean bag cover only.
    • All of our sizes and weights are approximate.
    • Please note, this product may experience some seam shedding initially, but it will only be noticeable until the cover is properly secured over a filled liner.
    • To comply with Australian Law, the outside zipper pull is removed and can be opened with a paperclip.
    • Filling is sold separately. Beans and accessories are not included. Please note that we do not sell beans at Ivory & Deene, and these will have to be sourced elsewhere.

Our enchanting Shaggy Rainbow Unicorn Bean Bag will be the playful centrepiece of any room. With its luxuriously soft, shaggy faux fur and vibrant rainbow tie-dye design, this bean bag offers a cosy, magical seating experience. The eye-catching unicorn-inspired colours bring a burst of fun and whimsy to your space, making it perfect for bedrooms, playrooms, or cosy reading nooks. Ideal for creating a fun and relaxing lounge area, this bean bag combines comfort with vibrant style, making it a must-have for any child’s dream room - get ready for your imaginations to run wild and free!

A vibrant rainbow featuring primarily pink, yellow, and blue tones, complemented by a mix of other playful hues.
Fabric Long Shaggy Faux Fur - Polyester
Regular Size 100cm diameter
Regular Filling Recommendations
All beans: 300L
All foam: 320L
Mixed: 100L beans / 200L foam
Large Size 112cm diameter
Large Filling Recommendations


ll beans: 450L
All foam: 520L
Mixed: 200L beans / 320L foam

With your convenience in mind, we designed our Shaggy Rainbow Unicorn Bean Bag with a removable, machine-washable cover, making your new favourite seat effortless to clean, while the liner holds the filling safely. For smaller stains, we recommend gently spot cleaning without harsh chemicals to maintain the fabric’s quality and longevity.

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

Live shipping rates are calculated at checkout. We support a variety of couriers providing convenient and competitive shipping options.

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Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

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5.0 Rating

18 reviews


1 January 2025

Shaggy fur tie dye bean bag

My granddaughter just loved her shaggy fur bean bag. She loved the softness and the bright colours. A perfect birthday gift for a sweet 4 year old. I highly recommend the beautiful bean bag . My online order and speedy delivery was a no fuss purchase especially during the silly season.

Gisella T - Seattle, US

7 November 2024

So comfortable

My kids absolutely love them. Half foam and beans is perfect. Thanks

Brittany F - Ashburn, US

12 September 2024

Excellent quality

Gave this to our 7 year old daughter for her birthday. She screamed when she saw it. Yes it’s on the more expensive side for a beanbag but so comfy, excellent quality and she uses it everyday. Going to get my 5 year old one for her birthday. We did a mix of foam and beads and it’s awesome!!!

Melissa M - Melbourne, AU

6 December 2023


What a beautiful colour and fabric. Our 10 year old granddaughter was thrilled. Very happy it had an inner zip up so foam and beans can be safe and cover washable. A hint, buy the foam at the same time as hard to get anywhere else.

Gay D - Adelaide, AU

30 November 2023

Fur Rainbow Tie Dye Bean

Fur Rainbow Tie Dye Bean Bag - Unicorn Shaggy

Melissa T - Melbourne, AU

25 October 2023

Rainbow bean bag

My daughter absolutely loves it! Spends everyday in it! So comfortable and the quality is amazing!

Ellie B - Melbourne, AU

25 September 2023

Shaggy Rainbow Unicorn

OMG. My daughter has completely lost her mind over this. She now says this is the best thing that has ever existed in her life, and now sleeps in it and refuses to sleep on her bed. Thing is, I kind of agree.......

Ben C - Melbourne, AU

23 September 2023

Kids bean bag 🤍

This bean bag is incredible! So soft and my daughter loves it. Now my teen son wants one also 😆

Cassie H - Brisbane, AU