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  3. E27 LED Bulb Light Globes

E27 LED Bulb Light Globes - 4w Cool White

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High quality long lasting LED bulbs from Ivory & Deene have been designed to enhance the elegance of all open decorative fittings, especially chandeliers. For home or office use.

Use it in a living room or dining room or library to create just the right mood. 

Brand Ivory & Deene
Style Round Bulb Globe
Type LED
Size 75mm x 45mm
Colour Cool White
Wattage 4
Quantity Packs of 3, 6 or 12
Globe Type E27 Screw
Base Finish Chrome
Material Metal and Glass

- Suitable for domestic or commercial applications 
- SAA Approved

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

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Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

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5.0 Rating

5 reviews


23 April 2022

Gorgeous and they will look

Gorgeous and they will look great when I get them installed

Julie - Sydney, AU

15 March 2022

Great service

Great service and speedy delivery

Belinda - Melbourne, AU

24 November 2021

Fast and Easy

Our delivery arrived a lot sooner than expected, especially in these current times. The online ordering process was easy, and the product was exactly what we thought it was. Will definitely use these guys again.

Matt T - Sydney, AU

10 November 2021

Pendant Lights

Arrived promptly & look as good as I thought they would.

Shirley S - Canberra, AU

18 November 2020

E27 light globes

Excellent product at a reasonable price
