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  3. Lily Pendant Light

Lily Pendant Light - Chrome


Colour: Chrome

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Elevate your space with the stunning Lily pendant light, featuring a crystal-inspired frame and modern chrome accents. Perfect for any space, it adds a touch of elegance and contemporary glamour.


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  • Includes: One pendant light complete with ceiling canopy, adjustable cord and screw set. 
  • Also available in a Gold finish. 
  • Suitable for indoor domestic or commercial applications.
  • All sizes and weights are approximate.
  • Please inspect all lighting fixtures for any cosmetic imperfections before installing and disposing of the packaging. Ivory & Deene is not responsible for physical damage after the fixture is installed.
  • Made to SAA Standards.

Bring a touch of timeless elegance to your kitchen, dining, or living area with our Lily pendant light. Featuring a beautifully crafted crystal-like globe with intricate detailing, this pendant exudes sophistication and charm. The clear glass design reflects light brilliantly, creating a stunning focal point in any space. Perfect for enhancing both modern and traditional interiors, the Lily pendant adds an elegant and luxurious touch to your home decor.

Style Classic / Mid-Century Modern / Contemporary 
Colour Chrome
Shade Size Height: 21cm
Diameter: 30cm
Ceiling Canopy Height: 2cm
Diameter: 10cm 
Globe Details 1x E26/E27 Edison Screw (not included)
Maximum Cord Length 115cm
Material Metal
Crystals Acrylic
Wattage 60W
IP Rating IP20
Installation To be installed by a qualified electrician
Product Weight 1.3kg
Packaged Weight 1.9kg


This pendant is designed for easy maintenance. Simply use a soft, dry cloth or feather duster to gently remove dust. Keep the fixture dry. If using a damp cloth, ensure the light is off and use minimal water to prevent damage.

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

Live shipping rates are calculated at checkout. We support a variety of couriers providing convenient and competitive shipping options.

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Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

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Please note: For a better experience, rotate your devices orientation to landscape

Bench width - 350cm
Bench inset - 50cm
Lily Pendant Light - Chrome - pendant light
Lily Pendant Light - Chrome - pendant light
Lily Pendant Light - Chrome - pendant light

5.0 Rating

8 reviews


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Lily pendant light

Absolutely stunning could not recommend this light enough it’s hanging in my walk In robe in my new home I’m building, Rule of thumb every room with a window needs a feature piece, this light is definitely a feature

Linda S - Sydney, AU

27 May 2024

Very pretty and luxurious

We got this for our bar area as it was a good size and I love the gold/glass accent. Works well however the power cable does not align with the chain very well so you can see a loop. Otherwise perfect for the area, sparkling and all shimmery.

Kerry B - Brisbane, AU

21 April 2024

Gorgeous, was scared buying online but very happy

Exactly what I was after, looks good quality and expensive. Excellent price and fast postage. Also appreciate the little Easter card...He is Risen and I'm so glad your company is spreading His word!

Chloe W - Sydney, AU

1 April 2024

Gold Lily Pendant- lovely!

Prettier than the picture; lovely gold colour; was worried acrylic would look cheap but it doesn’t, looks like glass; got express postage and it was amazingly quick; very happy and the fastest online company I’ve dealt with so far

Yolanda - Brisbane, AU

12 September 2023

Hollywood glamour

The Lily pendant light is well-made and not too heavy and adds a bit of old Hollywood glamour to the room. It looks especially good with a warm white globe. Very pleased with the effect.

Tonia - Sydney, AU

3 August 2022

Lily Pendant Light

Lily Pendant Light

Deanne S

30 August 2021




10 May 2021

Patricia Tierney

I thought I had only 1 lily pendant, but I actually ordered 3, I contacted Ivory & Deene & they were quite prepared for me to return the extra 2. However I loved the lights so much, I kept all 3. I will most certainly purchase more products from this business, prompt delivery, friendly & helpful.


28 January 2021